Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The time has come to speak up, and yet you remain silent . . . Why?

Our preacher challenged us Sunday to answer the following question: The reason(s) I am not more personally evangelistic is/are . . .

The following are some of my thoughts.
  1. Good old fashioned fear. While my mind can readily call up verses such as 2 Tim 1:7-8 and 1 Sam 8:7, fear often strikes right along with evangelistic opportunities.
  2. Inferiority complex or fear of failure - I'm reminded of the parable of one talent in Mt 25:19-30. I often feel that I can’t do as good a job as the situation requires.
  3. Not knowledgeable enough or lack of preparation - 2 Tim 2:15, Php 4:13. There really isn’t an acceptable reason for this unless you are a new Christian. We, and I mean I, need to realize that God expects all of us to perform to the level we are able, and to recognize a need for growth and improvement to do better the next time.
  4. Lack of ability to properly value the soul/Indifference - Mt 16:26, Jas 5:19-20. I can think logically about this, but have difficulty always seeing the value of someone’s soul over their physical attributes or attitude or words or how they dress, etc.
  5. Don’t always know how to respond until the moment has passed. This could also fit under lack of preparation - 2 Tim 4:2.
  6. Don't want to lose my friends. Are my friends really that valuable that I'm not willing to risk losing their friendship to share something so valuable with them? Again Mt 16:26 fits here.
I realize that not everyone is religious, but I think that many of these reasons could fit when we don't speak up about whatever it is that we feel strongly about. It could be a political point, social mores, crime and punishment, current events . . . the list could go on and on. What do you think? What keeps you from speaking up or speaking out when the moment comes?


So I completely missed my Father's Day post. Missed it by a lot, I see. Things have been a little busy around the old homestead, what with the garden taking off, summer setting in, a wonderful visit from Nonna, the difficulties of trying to establish a routine with Baby and everybody else, work on the bookcase (#2) - pics are coming . . . someday, etc. I have been very remiss in keeping up with the old blog. Hopefully now that we are sort of settling down, that will change. No promises though. Keep checking back, and if it's been a while, feel free to send me a reminder that I made a commitment to keep you apprised of my various wonderings and wanderings and other events.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Penguin's Ponderings

    You'll notice there is a new picture at the top. While I've got your attention, I invite you to stay tuned for a Father's Day pondering posting to follow!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Silencing of God

A lot of people are very upset with politicians and politics right now. We keep hearing that we need "to go back to the way things were." How exactly were things? What were the beliefs and principles that guided the Founding Fathers when they established this great nation? Want to know? Would you like to become better educated and informed? Check out the following: