Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen. . . The Penguin has now placed foot on American soil!
The six months of silence is over. I thought I would make my first post in six months one of thanks. I will probably forget someone, so I apologize in advance.
First off: Thank you Heavenly Father for seeing me through this. There are many of my fellow deployers who bear scars; physical and emotional from their time in Afghanistan. Many loved ones back home who now carry only memories of their military member. Thank you for giving me friends, family and coworkers who made my deployment, if not pain free, at least minimally scarring.
Thank you to everyone who kept me in your thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it so much. Please continue to remember those who are still over there. Everyday our troops are putting it all on the line.
Next, all my fellow hard workers at Craig Joint Theater Hospital. Thank you for doing amazing things, and making them look routine. You are all awesome.
Everyone who sent me stuff: food, cards, notes, cookies, candy, jerky, protein, water flavor packets, etc. Special thanks to the Oak Grove and Vacaville churches of Christ, Jeremy and Lisa Linden, and Jaclyn Strampher and Paul Hoppman of the Noland Road HyVee in Independence, MO for the 3 cases of SweetTarts. You all rock!
Melinda Elliott. You have been such a resource for Mrs. Penguin and the little penguin horde. I know you and she both leaned on each other. Blessings and Thank You.
Thank you to my 2 oldest kiddos: Primus and Pretty Girl. Your hard work and help with your little sister made your mom's life easier, and helped me stress a little less. I am very proud of both of you. Your mom keeps telling me I don't know how mature you have become. I wish I could have been there to see the maturation, but am grateful to know it occurred.
To my youngest, Petunia. Your Skype antics have kept me entertained and provided a welcome respite and counterbalance to the awful things I've seen.
Finally, to my wife Mrs. Penguin. I would say I couldn't have done it without you, but that wouldn't be right. Physically I might have made it. You were the one who took care of everything: Endless PCS hassles, 3 a.m. E.R. visits, surgeries, bumper bashes, and on and on and on. I have relied on you so much this past 189 days, and you have borne the burden admirably. I love you. Yes, I will still take you for granted on occasion, but you should just remind me of what a Superwoman you are, and I will bow before your greatness.
Some others I would like to add to this list of "Thank you's." Omni Airlines International and the crew that got us back to the U.S., American Airlines for getting me the rest of the way home. The greeters at BWI who welcomed us home. The ladies at the USO for their great help, and the American citizens who have made it a point to express their thanks for my service. Thank you all!
ReplyDeleteSome others I would like to add to this list of "Thank you's." Omni Airlines International and the crew that got us back to the U.S., American Airlines for getting me the rest of the way home. The greeters at BWI who welcomed us home. The ladies at the USO for their great help, and the American citizens who have made it a point to express their thanks for my service. Thank you all!