I was sitting here minding my own business, wondering what I should post about today. I was considering whether it was to soon to post another "My Last 5," when I happened to notice a tab at the top of the page labeled, "Stats." Now I'm a geek. I freely admit it, and those of you who know me can confirm it. As a geek, stats appeal to me, so of course I clicked on the tab.
The page slowly loaded (the internet connection here at the hotel leaves a bit to be desired at times!), and I considered what I might find. A world of wonder and amazement suddenly revealed itself to me. I was amazed to see that hits to this blog have come from Taiwan, China, Canada, and various and sundry other countries. I had expected to see Iraq and Turkey listed, as I have previously been in communication with prospective readers in those locales, and they were there. It was the others that surprised me so much. I was flabbergasted to find a total of 16 countries listed!
The first question to cross my mind was, "how did these people find this blog?" Did they stumble across it accidentally whilst looking for hockey information for the Pittsburg Penguins? Are they saddened to find that this blog doesn't deal with those runners known as Penguins?
What do these international peruser's of the Penguin's wanderings and wonderings think? Am I a typical egotistical American, focused so narrowly on myself and my narrow worldview that my musings are simply derided by international readers without considering there merit? Do my ponderous ponderings provide some bemused expat a reminder of home? Am I making the most of my opportunity to be "a light to the world"?
Suddenly my words have gained more weight, psychologically, knowing that they are an international representative of me. It's heady stuff, but humbling as well.
Whoever you are, and wherever you are, I hope you enjoy my ramblings. If not, keep coming back anyhow. It makes me feel good! Wander and wonder at will, me fellow penguins. Until next time, keep waddling!
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