A funny discovery occurred today. The kiddos and I were hanging around Target while Mrs. P was getting her last California cut and color for her birthday (Happy Birthday, Mrs. P!). She figured it would take about an hour and a half (actually 2 + hours, but I digress). We didn't really have any specific plans, so I thought it might be a good idea to look at Target and get some ideas on area rugs, since the houses we are looking at off base in Anchorage have hard floors. Also I wanted Pretty Girl to look at some bedding, since she will have a new bigger bed when we finally get unpacked. And, being the procrastinator that I am, we needed to pick up some birthday cards as well.
Of course, once we were in the store, Primus made a beeline for the toy section, specifically the legos, and most specifically, the Star Wars Legos. Guess what we found?
That's right. . . the Lego Millenium Falcon is now for sale at Target!
And now the Saga is complete. Great struggles, anxiety, pains, plans, proposals, counter-proposals, a trip south to the great Mecca that is Legoland, and now, lesson learned; Be sure and check your local Target and be patient when looking for that next Lego set. It will come, just not when you want it to!
When I had taken the kids to the movies we did look at Target & he told the cashier they needed to rectify the issue. Too funny!