I've been hearing this song on the radio by Matthew West called, Going Through the Motions. One of the lines in this song asks, "What if I had given everything, instead of just going through the motions?"
I finished a book on world missions in which the author describes missionaries who are natives of a country moving to a new village to start a church. These missionaries take their families with them, including their children. One of the oddities about this situation is the missionary is not allowed to purchase food or milk within the village until someone from the village vouches for them. This means that the missionary, his wife and children end up going hungry for days or even weeks until they make a convert within the village.
All of these remind me of the story of the rich young ruler, when he is told the only thing he lacks is to go sell his possessions and follow Jesus. (Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21)
And I started to wonder, "Are we (meaning American Christians) like the rich young ruler? Are we "just going through the motions?" We certainly aren't willing to go hungry to spread the Gospel, let alone our children. We would be called child abusers. In fact, most of us are somewhat proud that we "tithe" or even give a little bit more. Maybe it is because we think, like Rich Little says, that Jesus was simply a good man, and we don't need to change our lives.
Then a what if came to mind. What if we truly evaluated our situations and said that we were going to "take up our cross daily?" I'm not even talking 100% commitment. Simply take stock of your situation, evaluate everything, and dedicate one half to God. One half of your income, one half of your time, one half of everything! What would that mean? We would have to move into smaller houses, because our rent or mortgage usually takes up a large portion of our income. We would probably have to change our diets, especially if we are in the habit of eating out. Hobbies? Most likely gone. Clothing expenditure? Try Pick n Pay or Value Village.
What if we did this? Work 40 hours a week, and spend another 40 hours spreading the Gospel, studying Gods word, praying, having family devotionals, serving others. Take 1/2 our income and give it to the church, the homeless, the poor. Get rid of the television and get out of the house. Meet your neighbors and invite them to a neighborhood Bible study or prayer group at your house. Talk to the grocery store clerk about God.
What if we did this? What would people think? What would they call us? Freaks? Weirdos? Bible Bashers? Would it matter?
The crazy part about this is, it's not even what we are called to do. Jesus said to take up our cross daily and come follow Him. (Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23). We are supposed to give Him everything. We sing songs saying that we do, None of Self and All of Thee, All to Jesus I Surrender, etc. The first century church was willing to do this. They willingly gave up their homes, their lives, their possessions for Jesus and they set the world on fire!
We go to these conferences on how to reach the lost. We invite dynamic speakers to try and encourage people. We have children's ministries and youth ministries, coffee and pastries before services, jumbo screens and praise teams and where does it get us? Is the world on fire for Jesus? Are we the talk of the town because we are reflecting the glory of the Lord like we are called to do or can anybody even tell the difference between us and the rest of the world? We are supposed to be called out, not blending in!
The sad reality is, most who read this won't change a thing. Even if this post were seen by millions, the number who would change their lives to be 50% people would number maybe in the hundreds. How about you? Are you willing to change? Are you willing to give yourself to Christ?
May the Lord God Almighty Bless you as you make changes in your life to be the self-sacrificing servant we are called to be! - Robert
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