The following are some of my thoughts.
- Good old fashioned fear. While my mind can readily call up verses such as 2 Tim 1:7-8 and 1 Sam 8:7, fear often strikes right along with evangelistic opportunities.
- Inferiority complex or fear of failure - I'm reminded of the parable of one talent in Mt 25:19-30. I often feel that I can’t do as good a job as the situation requires.
- Not knowledgeable enough or lack of preparation - 2 Tim 2:15, Php 4:13. There really isn’t an acceptable reason for this unless you are a new Christian. We, and I mean I, need to realize that God expects all of us to perform to the level we are able, and to recognize a need for growth and improvement to do better the next time.
- Lack of ability to properly value the soul/Indifference - Mt 16:26, Jas 5:19-20. I can think logically about this, but have difficulty always seeing the value of someone’s soul over their physical attributes or attitude or words or how they dress, etc.
- Don’t always know how to respond until the moment has passed. This could also fit under lack of preparation - 2 Tim 4:2.
- Don't want to lose my friends. Are my friends really that valuable that I'm not willing to risk losing their friendship to share something so valuable with them? Again Mt 16:26 fits here.
I realize that not everyone is religious, but I think that many of these reasons could fit when we don't speak up about whatever it is that we feel strongly about. It could be a political point, social mores, crime and punishment, current events . . . the list could go on and on. What do you think? What keeps you from speaking up or speaking out when the moment comes?
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