My bubble is burst. I guess I am officially the old guy now. I knew some hairs were falling out, and that those remaining were turning gray, but I still feel young. I had an experience today that served as official confirmation of my status as old.
I signed up to play softball on a team one of the high schoolers at church was getting together. I went to my first practice tonight. I knew I was older than the other kids on the team, but didn't realize how much older until one of them was complaining. His comment was that he was "getting too old for this." One of the other guys pointed out that he was only seventeen. And that's when I realized I am twice as old as he is. So not only am I older than the rest of the players, but twice as old.
I have never been the old guy. And I realize I'm not that old, but still. Twice as old as a high school graduate? I would argue that there is a mistake in the math somewhere, but my kids are happy to point out my wrinkles and balding spot, so I guess maybe I am the old guy.
One good thing came of this incident though. When I mentioned I was twice his age, the kid looked shocked. I said I still look awfully young, AND HE AGREED WITH ME! I don't think he was quick enough to come up with a lie on the fly, so I think he really thought I looked younger than I am.
Am I just an over-the-hill ex-jock trying to relive the glory days of his youth? Absolutely not. I was never a jock, and from where I stand the hill is still going up. Am I enjoying the chance to play with the kids again? Absolutely.
They say you are only as old as you feel, and I feel fine. But I better go take some tylenol and ice my knee, or I may feel a lot older in the morning!
Just thought I'd post a quick update. I am just a Teeny bit sore this morning. Guess I really am old(er) than I thought!
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly..... when your the youngest one in hunting camp and your a grandpa- that's old! RJ
ReplyDeleteWhen your favorite hat is older than kids and grandkids your old.
ReplyDeleteWhen you tell people about your first car and they don't know what your talking about or they laugh....that's old.
ReplyDeleteWhen you tell people about your first car and they don't know what your talking about or they laugh....that's old.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly..... when your the youngest one in hunting camp and your a grandpa- that's old! RJ
ReplyDeleteWhen your favorite hat is older than kids and grandkids your old.