Well my fellow penguins, I will be out of the service area for the next week or so. The bags are all packed, the truck is loaded and the kids are in bed with visions of sugar plums . . . wait, visions of camping dancing in their heads.
We are headed up to the Tahoe Family Encampment. This may be our first and last chance to enjoy this experience, so we are going to make the most of it. This will be our whole family's first camping experience that lasts more than a night or two.
No, it won't be a true camping experience because we will have access to electricity and showers, but it will involve real tents, cookstoves, coolers, etc. We do have to keep the food locked up so the bears don't get to it, so that seems to raise the level of campingness. This causes me to wonder, what defines camping versus a non-camping experience? Does it only count as camping if you are completely off the grid? How much can you bring with you? Does a pop-up tent trailer still qualify as camping? Help me out here, please.
P.S. I'll let you know how it goes when we get back!
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